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Ganz DVM2-12 #M44 043

30 january 2008 - M44 043 shunting with Bhv cars at Győr depot.

Author: V63019 RSS | D29 number: | Operator: Magyar Államvasutak (MÁV) Magyarország
Comments: 1, Points: 16.00,

Ganz DHM7-6 #M41 2310

11 april 2008 - M41 2310 was going to Hodoš (Slovenia). The picture made in Nagyrákos.

Author: V63019 RSS | D29 number: | Operator: Magyar Államvasutak (MÁV) Magyarország
Points: 14.00,

Ganz VM-15-3 #V63 025

12 january 2012 - V63 025 at Debrecen railway station.

Author: V63019 RSS | D29 number: | Operator: Magyar Államvasutak (MÁV) Magyarország
Points: 8.00,

FAUR LDH45 #M43 1031

6 april 2008 - M43 1031 at Szombathely depot.

Author: V63019 RSS | D29 number: | Operator: Magyar Államvasutak (MÁV) Magyarország
Points: 7.00,

SGP 1014 #1014 007-7

3 february 2008 - 1014 007-7 was going to Wien Südbahnhof from Győr with EUREGIO.

Comments: 1, Points: 13.00,

Rába M 041 #Mk48.2002

21 august 2009 - Mk48,2002 was shunting at Debrecen-Fatelep station.

Comments: 1, Points: 9.00,

Siemens ES64U2 #1116 047-0

20 june 2010 - 1116 047-0 was going to Leoben. The picture made in Debrecen.

Points: 12.00,

SGP 1044 #1144 267-1

17 december 2011 - 1144 267, REX1622, Wien Westbahnhof

Points: 8.00,

Метровагонмаш РА 731.25 #6341 019-5

6 january 2012 - 6341 019-5 at Debrecen railway station.

Author: V63019 RSS | D29 number: | Operator: Magyar Államvasutak (MÁV) Magyarország
Comments: 1, Points: 11.00,

Rába M 041 #Mk48.2002

5 december 2009 - Mk48,2002 and 394,023 (built: 1923) with Santa Claus special train at Debrecen-Fatelep station.

Points: 10.00,

Rába M 041 #Mk48.2006

19 november 2011 - Mk48,2006 at Debrecen-Fatelep station. The track is being renovate.

Comments: 2, Points: 8.00,

Rába M 041 #Mk48.2002

18 october 2009 - Mk48,2002 with No. 31563 train from Hármashegyalja. The picture made in near Csereerdő.

Points: 7.00,

Rába M 041 #Mk48.2009

19 november 2011 - Mk48,2009 at Debrecen-Fatelep station. The track is being renovate.

Comments: 2, Points: 15.00,