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ЛТЗ M62 #М62-1547

10 may 2021 - M62-1547 with passenger wagons as suburban train №6660 Lyntupy - Krulyaushchizna on Pastavy (бел. Паставы) - Varapayeva (бел. Варапаева) stretch. Only on Sundays or during long holidays (but not always) this train have two wagons, other days - only one.

Comments: 2, Points: 8.00,

ЛТЗ M62 #М62-1547

12 july 2019 - M62-1547 with a passenger wagon as suburban train №6660 Lyntupy - Krulyaushchizna on Glybokaye (бел. Глыбокае) - Krulyaushchizna (бел. Круляўшчызна) stretch.

Comments: 1, Points: 9.00,

ЛТЗ M62 #М62-1551

6 october 2018 - M62-1551 with a passenger wagon as suburban train №6660 Lyntupy - Krulyaushchizna on Varapayeva (бел. Варапаева) - Glybokaye (бел. Глыбокае) stretch. One of two places in Belarus (the first is http://rail.phototrans.eu/14,128016,0,_______M62_.html), where diesel loco with wagon is used instead of usual DMU.

Points: 5.00,