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Electroputere 060DA #60 1243

29 october 2016 - exCFR 60 1243 and 60 0819 with freight train from Beli breg to Goliamo Selo.

Comments: 6, Points: 14.00,

Škoda 68E #44 072

6 august 2016 - 44 072 and 44 083 with full coal train for Bobov Dol termal power plant.

Comments: 3, Points: 18.00,

Škoda 68E #44 083

1 october 2016 - TBD Cargo 44 083 and 44 072 (on back) with full coal train from Pernik to Bobov dol power plant - near Batanovtsi station.

Comments: 4, Points: 31.00,